The BC Energy Regulator offers access to a variety of online reports.
7 items
Activity Levels
Applications Approved [BCOGC-2818]
All approved applications with a decision date filter
Activity Levels
Applications In-Progress [BCOGC-2810]
All applications in progress by application number, status, activity type, and task types
Activity Levels
Facility Liability Report [BCOGC-2834]
Information on the liability associated with a specific facility as determined by the Liability Management team
Activity Levels
Well Liability Report [BCOGC-2826]
Information on the liability associated with a specific well as determined by the Liability Management team
Activity Levels
Short Term Use of Water (Proposed) [BCOGC-44398]
Point locations indicating proposed applications for short term water use for oil and gas development. This dataset contains spatial data for proposed applications collected through the BC Energy Regulator's Application Management System (AMS).
Activity Levels
Drilling & Production [BCOGC-129238]
We regulate oil and gas activity and are responsive to changes in activity levels, in order to protect the integrity of B.C.’s environment and water resources. As technology evolves, average reserves per new well continues to increase, enabling drilling to replace and increase production with fewer new locations.
Activity Levels
BC Production Dashboard [BCOGC-179311]
The BC Production Dashboard provides comprehensive provincial hydrocarbon production data in a highly interactive and user-friendly interface. Users can explore production data across various dimensions, such as geography (basins or province-wide), operator, product type or well vintage – or down to the level of an individual well. Well drilling data is also available.