The BC Energy Regulator offers access to a variety of online reports.
16 items
Data Downloads
Directional Survey Data [BCOGC-2354]
All directional survey data. Please choose your preferred download format.
Facility Locations (Permitted) [BCOGC-2668]
Facilities are an oil and gas activity, defined in the Oil and Gas Activities Act as a system of vessels, piping, valves, tanks and other equipment used to gather, process, measure, store or dispose of petroleum, natural gas, water or a substance referred to in paragraph (d) or (e) of the definition of pipeline. This dataset contains point features collected on or after July 11, 2016 for approved facility locations
Activity Levels
Facility Liability Report [BCOGC-2834]
Information on the liability associated with a specific facility as determined by the Liability Management team
Facility Inventory [BCOGC-41090]
All active facilities by permit number, operator, and facility number
Facility Detail Status [BCOGC-41110]
Facilities by the facility status, including permit number, facility ID, operator and other facility details
Data Downloads
Plant Capacities [BCOGC-42080]
Plant Capacities in Ascii Format with Comma Delimiter
Facility Locations (Pre-2016) [BCOGC-44497]
Point features for facility loations submitted to the BCER prior to July 11, 2016. Facility point locations are located in the middle of the quarter unit or quarter section as determined from the National Topographic System (NTS) or Dominion Land Survey (DLS) legal locations.
Well and Facility Areas (Permitted) [BCOGC-44522]
Land authorizations for areas on which well or facility activities can occur. This dataset contains spatial data collected on or after October 30, 2006. The spatial data includes approved and post-construction land areas associated with well or facility activities.
Well and Facility Areas (Proposed) [BCOGC-44530]
Applications for land authorization on which well or facility activities can occur. This dataset contains polygon features for proposed applications collected through the BC Energy Regulator's Application Management System (AMS).
Well and KERMIT Facility IDs [BCOGC-69968]
A list of WA Numbers, KERMIT Facility IDs, Operators and Well Surface Locations
Leak, Detection and Repair Data for Wells and Facilities (2021) [BCOGC-87988]
2021 Leak Detection and Repair Data for wells and facilities and the 2021 Equivalency Report.
Plant Capacities with Facility Statuses [BCOGC-112554]
Plant capacities with facility statuses. Mimics the report from data downloads, but with the added facility status column
Leak, Detection and Repair Data for Wells and Facilities (2020) [BCOGC-133942]
2020 Leak Detection and Repair Data for wells and facilities and the 2020 Equivalency Report.
Leak, Detection and Repair Data for Wells and Facilities (2022) [BCOGC-157842]
2022 Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) Data for wells and facilities and the 2022 Equivalency Report.
Well Flare and Facility Volumetrics including Flare, Vent & Fuel Data [BCOGC-162511]
This report includes Petrinex and pre-Petrinex (prior to November 2018) reported data for wells and facilities in the province of British Columbia.