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This page contains supplementary information for proponents to support the consideration of cumulative effects information in application submissions.

Some cumulative effects data is available on the BCER Data Centre and the BC Data Catalogue. As required by the BRFN Implementation Agreement, RSEA values are to be considered in the BRFN claim area for Blueberry River First Nations.

The provincial Cumulative Effects Framework (CEF) assessments for the northeast will also be considered in the Claim Area.

At this time, conversations with other Treaty 8 First Nations regarding cumulative effects information, processes and tools are ongoing.

  • The Current Condition Reports for old growth forest and moose core effective suitable habitat are currently not publicly available; however, the GIS data and a summary of the values can be found at the BCER Data Centre. During pre-application engagement, proponents should review application areas and identify any overlaps with Old Forest and Moose Habitat. Mitigation plans will be required for applications falling within priority Water Management Basins, Cameron River Water Management Basin BRFN traplines and HV1 areas.
  • Note 1: The RSEA old forest polygons are considered high risk. Any application should seek to avoid impacts on old forest, particularly in HV1, BRFN traplines, the Cameron River Water Management Basin and priority Watershed Management Basins (Blueberry River, Upper Beatton River, Lower Sikanni Chief (portion within Claim Area) and Middle Beatton (portion west of Beatton River).
  • Note 2: As per the BRFN IA, within HV1 or Trapline Areas, applicants must avoid any new disturbance within the high value moose habitat defined as being core effective suitable forage and winter habitat of greater than 60% effectiveness, as indicated in the Moose Core Effective Habitat data set.
  • The CEF Aquatic Ecosystems values can be accessed using the BC Data Catalogue:

Aquatic Ecosystems - BC Cumulative Effects Framework - 2020 Assessment - Northeast - Datasets - Data Catalogue (

Use the link to Analysis Results Geodatabase - BC CEF Aquatic Ecosystems Assessment 2020 CCR to download the data. In the geodatabase BCCA_Watershed_Assmnt_NE_2020.gdb please consider feature class BCCE_AQUATICS_ASSESSMT_NE_2020.

The website also includes the Data Dictionary for this dataset.

The BCER is considering the following attributes in decision making:

  • Peak Flow Index Class
  • Road Density Weighted Class
  • Road Density Within 100m of Streams Weighted Class

Grizzly Bear - Data - BC Cumulative Effects Framework - 2019 Assessment - Datasets - Data Catalogue (

Use the link to Analysis Results Geodatabase - BC CEF Grizzly Bear Assessment 2019 CCR to download the data. In the geodatabase BCCE_Grizzly_Analysis_2019_20200131.gdb please consider feature class BCCE_GRIZZLY_BEAR_ASSESSMT_2019_20200131

The website also includes the Data Dictionary for this dataset.

The BCER is considering the following attributes in decision making:

  • OPEN_RD_UTIL_DENS_CLS_5_LBL (for risk classes very low, low, moderate, high, very high)
  • SECURE_CORE_CAP_CLS_LBL (=> 60% Capable Core and < 60% Capable Core (high risk))

An overview of the grizzly bear value, including methods, trends etc. see: BC Cumulative Effects Framework Current Condition Report: Grizzly Bear - Northeast Natural Resource Region - 2015 Analysis (

At this time, other datasets are considered sensitive and may become available at a later time.