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The BC Energy Regulator works to bring balance to the relationship between the landscape we love and the energy we rely on.

British Columbians are proud of our healthy waterways, our clean air, and the vast lands that are home to the many plant and animal species that live here.

As a regulator, one of the BCER’s main jobs is to protect the environment. From exploration to development and operations all the way to restoration, we carefully oversee all oil and gas, and geothermal activities and work to continuously improve to meet British Columbia’s energy and environmental goals.

Whether it’s starting projects off on the right foot, providing careful oversight during construction and operations, ensuring restoration at the end of a project’s life, or continuously improving the way we manage environmental impacts from oil and gas activities, we work to ensure oil and gas, and geothermal operations are undertaken in a safe, responsible and environmentally sensitive manner.

With careful environmental management in all stages of the oil and gas, and geothermal activity lifecycle, combined with a commitment to continuous improvement, the BCER is helping safeguard B.C.’s environment for a changing energy future we can all be proud of.


Air Quality

The BCER monitors air quality which can be impacted by flaring, venting and equipment exhaust from energy resource activities.


Wildlife Protection

The BCER works closely with industry to ensure energy resource activities are conducted with consideration to wildlife.


Water Management

The BCER is responsible for reviewing, assessing, and making decisions on water authorizations from both surface and subsurface water sources for energy resource activities.


Land Management

The BCER considers energy resource activity sites as temporary uses of the land; therefore, careful planning beforehand is required to ensure a successful project end.


Cumulative Effects

The BCER is committed to mitigating the cumulative effects of energy resource activities.

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