This page lists links to external tools provided by the Regulator.
Environmental Information Management System (EIMS)
EIMS captures all high priority wildlife in northeast B.C., including wildlife associated with Wildlife Habitat Areas (WHA) and Ungulate Winter Range (UWR).
Effective Date |
August 1, 2024 |
Update Notes | Refer to the Revisions Table within the document. |
Groundwater Review Assistant (GWRA)
GWRA assists hydrogeologists and others with the retrieval and compilation of groundwater-related information to support projects requiring a hydrogeological review or assessment.
Water Tools
The Water Tools provide guidance on water availability across the regions and they support the decision-making process for water use approvals and licences. Information in each tool includes the natural water supply, existing water rights and the environmental flow needs of lakes and streams.
Web-based Maps

All Hazards Map
The All Hazards Map presents expanded capabilities and common ESRI-based tools, allowing users to quickly locate permitted energy resource activity infrastructure in British Columbia that is within a specified distance from a fire point, perimeter, or other user specified location. The map and accompanying report display the active infrastructure in the area of interest.
Major Projects Map
The Major Projects Map displays approximate, representative locations for proposed projects. Each project icon or route within the map can be selected by clicking on it in order to view summary information and to access the specific project page.
Orphan Site Map
The Orphan Site Map shows the approximate location of wells, facilities, pipelines and associated areas in B.C. where an oil and gas company is declared bankrupt, or cannot be located.
Pipeline Incident Map
The BCER Pipeline Incident Map is an interactive web-based map showing where pipeline incidents have occurred from 2009 to current. An incident means a present or imminent event or circumstance, resulting from an oil and gas activity that is the subject of a plan, that a) is outside the scope of normal operations, and b) may or may not be an emergency.
Regulated Dams Map
The Regulated Dams Map shows the approximate location of dam structures in northeast B.C. built, operated and maintained by oil and gas permit holders, and regulated by the BCER.
Regulator Air Tool
The Regulator Air Tool is an interactive, web-based map that provides information on air discharges from oil and gas operations and results of ambient air quality monitoring performed by the BCER.
Schedule 2 Unconventional Zones Map
The High Resolution Map of Schedule 2 Unconventional Zones shows the areas included in the changes to the August 2012 Drilling and Production Regulation amendments. Area boundaries are updated as development occurs.
Water Portal
The Water Portal is a map-based water information tool designed to provide public access to a wide range of water-related data and information in northeast B.C.