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The BC Energy Regulator offers access to a variety of online reports.

20 items

Data Downloads

Directional Survey Data [BCOGC-2354]

All directional survey data. Please choose your preferred download format.

Data Downloads

Monthly Drilling Report [BCOGC-2850]

Monthly drilling statistics provided in two formats.

Data Downloads

Well Authorizations Issued [BCOGC-2858]

List of authorized wells by permit number, WA number, location, operator and an approval date filter

Data Downloads

Drilling Data for All Wells in BC [BCOGC-41984]

Drilling data for all wells in BC. This includes well casing and cementing, completions and work-overs, reservoir pressure tests and fluid analysis. Please choose your preferred download format.

Data Downloads

Facility Index [BCOGC-42044]

Facility Index in Ascii Format with Comma Delimiter

Data Downloads

Hydraulic Fracture Summary Data [BCOGC-42066]

Hydraulic fracture summary data

Data Downloads

Plant Capacities [BCOGC-42080]

Plant Capacities in Ascii Format with Comma Delimiter

Data Downloads

Production Data [BCOGC-42126]

Production data for all wells in BC. Please choose your preferred download format.

Data Downloads

Reserves Data [BCOGC-42194]

Reserves data for all oil and gas pools in BC

Data Downloads

Unique Well Identifier Changes [BCOGC-42220]

Unique well identifier changes. Please choose your preferred download format.

Data Downloads

Regional Well and Field Location Map [BCOGC-47944]

Regional well and field location maps for both South Half and North Half

Data Downloads

BCER Open Data Portal Shapefiles [BCOGC-62429]

The Oil and Gas Regulator provides a complete zip file archive that contains all spatial data available on the Open Data Portal. The zip file archive is refreshed daily.

Data Downloads

Landslide Susceptibility Map [BCOGC-69186]

Through research funding from the BC Oil and Gas Research and Innovation Society (BC OGRIS), a landslide susceptibility map for the Northeastern B.C. (NEBC) region has been developed to assist the oil and gas industry in managing landslide risk. Oil and gas operators must consider geohazards, including potential landslides, for managing integrity of their assets, such as, pipelines and facilities. The map, with landslide susceptibility’s colour-coded scale, provides a useful tool for planning and implementing these programs. This new landslide susceptibility map is intended for use as a screening tool, and not be used to evaluate the probability of landslide occurrence over any specific period of time, nor to evaluate the impact of any potential landslide activity.

Please contact for access to the online tool.

Data Downloads

BRFN SLU Data Layer [BCOGC-115661]

Surface Land Use (SLU) is a mechanism to measure surface disturbances caused by oil and gas activity and identify the type and land area attributed to historical and current oil and gas activities. As per the Blueberry River First Nations Implementation Agreement “New Disturbance” means, subject to any and all limitations and exclusions provided for in this definition, all (and only) Oil and Gas Activity-related disturbance on Crown land outside of any permitted and existing PNG footprint as identified in the Surface Land Use (SLU) Data Layer, including restored wells with a certificate of restoration but excluding: (i) restoration activities; (ii) health and safety activities; (iii) environmental protection activities; (iv) electricity transmission and distribution line rights-of-way outside of Area 1 or inside Area 1 with the consent of BRFN; (v) new operational activities within existing oil and gas related disturbances or other permanent road structures (including, without limitation, new wells on existing pads and pipelines within established rights of way); and (vi) conversion of non-status roads to oil and gas roads, so long as such conversion does not include any new construction or road modification. Full guidance can be found here.

The "BRFN SLU Data Layer" is updated separately from the "Annual SLU" dataset in coordination with the Blueberry River First Nation.

Engagement Contact: Adam Kamp Director, Responsive First Nations Engagement Responsible Development & Stewardship
Access Contact: Amy-Jade Louie Manager of Geospatial Services, Responsible Development & Stewardship Responsible Development & Stewardship

Data Downloads

RSEA Moose Core Effective Suitable Habitat [BCOGC-132738]

The Regional Strategic Environmental Assessment (RSEA) Moose Core Effective Suitable Habitat represents the core effective winter forage and shelter habitat for moose in Northeast British Columbia.

Dataset Inquiries:
Angela White, Section Head, Resource Stewardship Operations, Northeast Region.
Jennifer Brooks, NE Geospatial Services Team Lead.

BCER Inquiries:

Data Downloads

RSEA Old Forest Assessment [BCOGC-132789]

The Regional Strategic Environmental Assessment (RSEA) Old Forest 140 spatial data is a value-added product derived from an unspecified vintage of the annually updated Forest Vegetation Composite Polygons and Rank1 Layer (VRI) that represents forest stands 140 years and older, that is contiguous.

Dataset Inquiries:
Angela White, Section Head, Resource Stewardship Operations, Northeast Region.
Jennifer Brooks, NE Geospatial Services Team Lead.

BCER Inquiries:

Data Downloads

BCER NEBC Annual Status Data [BCOGC-182231]

The BCER NEBC Annual Status datasets are updated and published annually by the BC Energy Regulator to evaluate the level of disturbance in designated areas in northeast BC. These datasets include a disturbance metric for Old Growth Management Areas (OGMA), Wildlife Habitat Areas (WHA) and Ungulate Winter Ranges (UWR). This information is useful in operational planning and decision making to support consideration of management development allowance, in OGMA, and material adverse effect, in WHA and UWR. This annual disturbance assessment helps to define the level of risk to designated areas and helps the regulator to assess changes overtime. Riparian Reserve Zones are also included in the BCER NEBC Annual Status. This dataset provides a spatial representation of riparian areas and reports riparian disturbance at the water management basin level for consideration under Environmental Protection and Management Regulation. The riparian data is sourced from the Fresh Water Atlas. Field validation of this data is encouraged in development planning.

Usage and interpretation: Jacqueline Howard, Environmental Management Specialist, Responsible Development & Stewardship

Data Downloads

Northeast BC VRI Old Forest [BCOGC-182627]

The Northeast BC VRI Old Forest (NEBC_VRI_OLD_FOREST_PY) is a value-added product derived from the 2023 vintage of the annually updated Forest Vegetation Composite Polygons and Rank1 Layer (VRI) that represents forest stands 140 years and older.

Jacqueline Howard, Environmental Management Specialist, Responsible Development & Stewardship
Hannah Wilson, Land and Resource Specialist, Ministry of Forests (FOR) – North Area
Anna Regnier, Land and Resource Specialist, Ministry of Forests (FOR) – North Area"

Data Downloads

Boreal Caribou Protection and Recovery Plan Management Zones (Type 1) [BCOGC-187445]

The Boreal Caribou Protection and Recovery Plan Management Zones delineate management types for boreal caribou habitat in the Boreal Caribou Protection and Recovery Plan (BCPRP) area. These zones are meant to guide future management actions to meet established objectives and make progress towards the recovery goal. Additional information regarding the BCPRP can be found on the Province of British Columbia’s website at Boreal Caribou Protection & Recovery Plan (see link below).

Contact Information:
BC Government, Tyler Muhly, Caribou Recovery Program, Habitat Team Lead
BC Energy Regulator, Katelyn White, Biologist
BC Energy Regulator, Wade Abbott, Director of Regulatory Strategy

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