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The Regulator has launched a new landslide susceptibility map for permit holders working in Northeast B.C.

DATE ISSUED: May 6, 2021


Through research funding from the BC Oil and Gas Research and Innovation Society (BC OGRIS), a landslide susceptibility map for the Northeastern B.C. (NEBC) region has been developed to assist the oil and gas industry in managing landslide risk. Oil and gas operators must consider geohazards, including potential landslides, for managing integrity of their assets, such as, pipelines and facilities. The map, with landslide susceptibility’s colour-coded scale, provides a useful tool for planning and implementing these programs.

The map, as shown below, shows the spatial distribution of landslide susceptibility using a relative ranking from low to high. A project report describes the approach and methodology used for developing a predictive statistical model for landslide susceptibility. The report outlines various limitations on the use of this map.

This new landslide susceptibility map is intended for use as a screening tool and should not be used to evaluate the probability of landslide occurrence over any specific period of time, nor to evaluate the impact of any potential landslide activity. The map information should not be interpreted for the purpose of site-specific landslide identification, landslide activity assessment or landslide hazard assessment.

Permit holders can download a pdf map to be used as a screening tool in managing risk associated with their assets. The raster data for the map can be viewed by accessing the ArcGIS Online Landslide Susceptibility Viewing Tool. To access the viewer please submit a request to

If you have any questions regarding this Industry Bulletin or downloading the report and map, please contact:

Figure of Developed Landslide susceptibility Map for NEBC ( ref: BGC Engineering Report on ‘North Eastern British Columbia Landslide Susceptibility Map”, Prepared for BC OGRIS, Dec 15, 2020)

Landslide Susceptibility Map
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