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The BCER is clarifying the process for submitting venting information, whereby companies must maintain a record of venting volumes and other pertinent venting information.

DATE ISSUED: Dec. 19, 2023


The BC Energy Regulator (BCER) would like to clarify the process for submitting venting information under the Drilling and Production Regulation (Sections 52.03 through to 52.06), whereby permit holders must maintain a record of venting volumes and other pertinent venting information from uncontrolled storage tanks, compressor seals, pneumatic devices and pneumatic pumps.

For the calendar year 2023, submission of venting data is only required when requested by the BCER during compliance audits. Permit holders that are selected for audit will be notified in spring 2024, including the sites for which submission of venting information will be required. A Vent Data Collection Template has been developed, as an optional tool, for permit holders to use when submitting venting data to the BCER.

At this time, electronic submissions (eSubmission) will not be available for the submission of venting data. Permit holders will be notified should eSubmission become available for the submission of venting data.

If you have any questions regarding this Technical Update, please contact:

Kristofer Siriunas
Air Emissions Scientist
BC Energy Regulator


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