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We have issued seven non-compliances to Coastal GasLink related to erosion and sediment controls and sediment laden water entering water bodies.

DATE ISSUED: April 28, 2023


The British Columbia Energy Regulator (BCER) has issued seven non-compliances to Coastal GasLink (CGL) following inspections near the Anzac River outside of Prince George. The non-compliances relate to erosion and sediment controls and sediment laden water entering water bodies.

The BCER has asked for a water management plan to be put in place, and CGL has been notified and is working to control the problems identified. The BCER is opening an investigation file into this matter and is in contact with the Environmental Assessment Office which also has jurisdiction in this section of the project.

The BCER works to ensure resource activities are undertaken in a manner that protects the environment. CGL is a permitted project involving the construction and operation of an approximately 670-kilometre, 48-inch diameter natural gas pipeline running from the Dawson Creek area to the LNG Canada facility near Kitimat, B.C.

If you have any questions regarding this Information Update, please contact:

Lannea Parfitt

Communications Manager

BC Energy Regulator


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